Have you ever seen someone defy the odds?

Let us introduce you to Marcus Francisco Rodriguez.

Born October 31st, 2018 with a rare genetic neuromuscular disorder. He has muscles but they do not grow and lengthen with his body. There are only 1 in 55,000 boys born in the world with this, 50% of them do not make it to their first birthday. Very rarely do you see a kiddo make it to his teens or twenties.

Marcus’s parents (Tanica and Jerry Rodriguez) were told with this specific genetic sequence, he would never be able to lift his head up let alone be able to sit unassisted. During his 2 month stay at the NICU at Primary’s hospital, he had multiple procedures done including a g-tube and a trach, he eventually ended up on a ventilator. Although Marcus does not meet normal milestones, he is surely defying the odds. He has great fine motor skills, can sit unassisted, is able to spend multiple hours in a day off his ventilator, and can even get around in a medical walking device!

Doctors are in awe of how this is possible…his muscles are receiving myotubularin somehow, some way. We didn’t let the doctors define his boundaries, we make him work every day, it is a use-it-or-lose-it situation so he never gets a break. Marcus is full of smiles, teasing, and keeps us laughing all the time. We have an amazing team of nurses, specialists, OT, PT, developmental, and speech therapists, and his biggest motivator Isabella helps with hours of physical and occupational therapy. We also constantly work on communication skills and taste of food. Our day also consists of lung treatments morning and night.

Marcus is the main reason why Forge Exists today. We wanted to create an environment where he was able to see people defy the odds and achieve their dreams and surpass boundaries that other set for them.